Thursday, June 24, 2004

Philosophy of life: A tribute to the power of I.A tribute to the mind, the soul, to what lies within.

Life is a matter of choices and we are the ones who should make those choices and hence determine our state of mind. This, is in my opinion is true and absolute power. This power resides in each and every one of us waiting for us to embrace it. We determine what makes us happy, sad, anything in between or anything otherwise and we determine what is right or wrong. Hence every thing that we will ever need rests within our mind, our soul and our body. This, to me, is true individuality. The choice to strive for the recognition of the world or to that of your own is again ours. We and only we should make that choice. I determine the others recognition I strive for if I do decide to consider another’s opinion besides that of my own.
And is the choice we make right or wrong? We the individual should have the right to judge. How we handle the good and the bad is again our choice. There is always something positive and negative in everything thereby retaining that balance required by natural law. We get to choose how we handle the positives and negatives. If we believe that the choices we made were wrong, we can choose to learn from the wrong and improve or could ignore the fact that we erred and continue hurting ourselves. I see nothing wrong with either choice as long as it is the deliberate choice that we make for ourselves.
Does this makes sense? Today, to me, it does. I say today because I look at life as a continuous experiment subject to reinvention and discovery, and as of today I believe that change is always a possibility.
As for you? You choose what to do with it and how to look at it. I believe it is I and only I who makes the choice of whether I should consider another opinion and only I determine the degree of importance that I will give to another’s opinion.


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