it dawned on me - change and the illusory disconnect
the fundamental root-you could say the seed-of all problems in the world is the illusory disconnect humans tend to cling to. a disconnect with themselves and the world, their selves and the system.
the fundamental solution to all problems, is to move beyond that illusion of a disconnect.
"we are all one", "we are the world." these words are spoken so freely, that they seem to have lost their meaning. have we ever thought about the significance of this everyday truth? a truth that is part of some of the most ancient philosophies and is being proven by cutting edge science.
this truth makes us all infinite, makes us invinsible, makes us free, makes us responsible, makes us realize that if we ever want to change the world, we can start by changing ourselves.
the day we take on ourselves in a small way, and begin to change, is the day we've touched the world. the beauty about this thought, is that it is both selfish and selfless at the same time.
what can be more selfish than wanting and striving to change yourself and the world?
the fundamental solution to all problems, is to move beyond that illusion of a disconnect.
"we are all one", "we are the world." these words are spoken so freely, that they seem to have lost their meaning. have we ever thought about the significance of this everyday truth? a truth that is part of some of the most ancient philosophies and is being proven by cutting edge science.
this truth makes us all infinite, makes us invinsible, makes us free, makes us responsible, makes us realize that if we ever want to change the world, we can start by changing ourselves.
the day we take on ourselves in a small way, and begin to change, is the day we've touched the world. the beauty about this thought, is that it is both selfish and selfless at the same time.
what can be more selfish than wanting and striving to change yourself and the world?